I've Killed off my taste buds!
The average person has about 10,000 taste buds and they're replaced every 2 weeks or so. But as a person ages, some of those taste cells don't get replaced. An older person may only have 5,000 working taste buds. That's why certain foods may taste stronger to kids than they do to adults. Smoking also can reduce the number of taste buds a person has.
I think I've killed off my taste buds! Normal food is too salty now...Lets not even talk about potato chips! Going out to eat is a chore as the food doesn't taste very good to me anymore. I really hate to spend money on food I'm not enjoying.
Or else as the picture so graphically explains....My taste buds are being re-educated! I've never had an "educated palate" before!
Daisy Dilemma: This is definitely going to make eating out much more difficult.
Mood: Nothing looks appealing anymore!
ROFL! Hmmmm... MY tastebuds have NOT noticed a problem with eating out! Of course, I do only eat out once or twice a week now ... as opposed to 8-10 times a week before I started dieting! Hmmmm... maybe my tastebuds ARE newly educated! ;)
Posted by Melli | 2:00 PM